Wider scroll bars…

We have a big announcement to make: We made the scroll bars on our virtual terminal slightly wider.
Why is this a big deal?
Here’s why: The payment gateways out there are big, impersonal and fixated on growing their profits. Not so accept.blue. As a young, vibrant and innovative team, we’ve made it our mission to offer personal, tailored and focused support. We have real relationships with our clients. That means that if an ISO – regardless of how many clients they have with us – has a request, we actually listen.
So when Brendan S., an ISO with a penchant for cracking puns, called to complain the scroll bars we’re too thin for his liking, we took it seriously and implemented a fix within two weeks! We work closely with our partners to find and implement solutions to best fit their needs.
Contact a rep today to discover the full suite of next-level features and profit-growing solutions available to ISO’s and MSP’s like you!